I am always amazed that exhortation. Why do I need to do this? What am I to see? What am I to do with what I find, good, bad or ugly? Those of us in Christ for awhile can hive a pat answer without ever doing some soul searching before the Lord, who sees, knows, and expects some form of response and even some action on my part.
In Luke 7, Simon the Pharisee was blind to the Lord and the woman. He did not see his debt of sin; she did and loved much. This is called myopic vision. The inability to see anything that is not straight ahead. At times I have had this problem within my spiritual being. Another way to say is being short-sighted, or having a blind-spot . Simon was blinded by his prejudice concerning the type of person the woman was. I know in my journey with Christ that this, too, has been a problem with me, the inability to see events from another perspective. My youngest daughter taught me this one due to a situation I chose to be in without thinking the ramifications to all that was effective by this situation and my involvement. Oh, I could biblically justify my involvement, but did not look at the whole picture.
As you read Luke 8, in its entirety you see people that hear Him, but may not really listen. They were seeking Him for the condition of their soul. So, we have the four soils, (the seed: God's Words), the soil represents the soil of our heart. Examine your heart. For it is not enough to "hear," the Word, but how we respond to the Word. Do we obey what we hear? Do I trust what I hear? Am I any different from those who thronged Jesus. Some even welcomed Him? What did they want? Probably they had seen or known of His miracles and the feeding of the people. They wanted their share in freebies. Much like today and our Nannie State. Greed wanting anything I don't have to work for, without counting the cost of the Gift or my responsibility to the Giver. Where is the soil of heart when I attend church, bible study, or my morning devotions? Am I standing on the sideline thinking about something else or is my heart soil, harden because I did not get my way, or have anger and unforgiveness in my heart. Maybe my heart is full of anxiety and worries. If so, I am so internally and mentally encased in them, that my ears cannot hear the message from the scriptures. Or, and this is the soil I desire, is my heart prepared, tolled, confessed up and ready for the Word of God to be planted in it so fruit will be the result.
Being "retired" has been difficult because it does not fit what I planned. Really? Whose plans am I suppose to be yielding too, His or mine. Regardless of where He places us or the reasons for being there He still equips us for His work, He enables, He encourages, and He endures with me. He bears with my unbelief, my failures, my lack of love, and my lack of dedication, Am I spiritually blind, if so what area(s)? Am I prideful, do I have the heart to see where? Do I lack dedication to my Lord and Savior, if so why? Have I grown weary in doing what He has called me to do?
All of these adjectives and probably many more, He bears with me. I would much rather have His favor and blessings than be ungrateful for all He has done n my life. At times, I am too human rather than being Spirit filled. Lord, make me more sensitive to peoples needs, to serve them and You even in the smallest capacity , to grow in Your likeness. and be grateful, faithful in all matters.
Father in heaven, forgive my sins and short comings, fill them and strengthen me in You through your Spirit and the Word. Help me to see myself through Your eyes, for You alone see me accurately. May I bend my will to yours and pray about every choice and decision. Thank You for being with me in the good times and especially in the tough times and for Your blessings and joys. Life is hard as Your child, but would be impossible without You. Thank
Examine yourself as you look at yourself, but through His eyes. If, you are interested in growing and not staying in a vegetative state then we must obey this command, examine yourself, your motives, your heart attitude, your reaction to truth versus your response to its truth.
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