Friday, June 22, 2012

Irritated By the Lord

Life has its irritations or frustratons; Jesus offers illuminations. Think back to to some people in scriptures. The blindman Christ healed; the enuch who had leprosy; the prodical sons' brother. Each had an issue only Jesus could restore. The blindman experienced having Jesus place an irriatant, dirt (clay) and water, put in his eyes. Ever have an eyelash in your eye? The irritant hurts, and your eyes water, and all you want is to get that log out. But, Jesus used that irritant to restore his vision. The healing that took place became an irritant to the Pharisees. On one hand the irritant was healing and on the other hand it convicted those who prefered to believe that Jesus was not the Son of God. They loved their positio and status more than truth; the law versus love, offering of grace more than seeing sight resoredto the blind. They were the really blind in this account. Now the enuch wanted understanding of the scriptures and healing from leprosy. But, when told what he needed to do, he became irritated. Why? The message did not fit his expectations. Human reason can blind our faith. Finally, he went and did what he was told tod even though it made no sense. He dipped in the river seven times and became free from the leprosy. What is your response when the Lord tells you to do something that seems foolish or irritates you because, to you, it makes no sense? The brother of the prodical was irritated that the Father accepted His lost son back home with a great celebration. In his reasoning, he felt rejected, jealous, and threatened and probably deep down thought the brother deserved being turned away. Underneath these feelings he may have been nurturing a resentment towards the prodical. Does God's blessngs on a brother or a sister irritate you? What irritates you to the point of anger, disillusionment, or believing you only not dealing with hard times or a negative cirumstance? Personally, I dislike having to go with the flow rather than stickig to a schedule. Flexibliy and willingness to see lifes irritants as a gift from the Lord for my growth. So, thank Him versus resenting or fighting Him and His will. When Christ brings an irritant into our lives, He will also illuminate.

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