Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lord, You Have Called Us to Rest; Not Dis-Stress

After talking with one of my girls I hung up the phone and became overwhelmed by her stress and feelings of distress.  It was like she was on a treadmill, running, but never arriving at the destination she wished to be.  What I realized was that was me several years ago.  I worked two jobs and tried to help out with the college group.  Now include with this crazy schedule making time for family and friends.  Unfortunately, th later often receive the short end of the stick.  I heard her being frantic to obtain a job for multiple reasons all of which had merit.  But what I didn't hear was reliance on the Lord or His plans for this season of her life.  Also, I hate to admit I felt a little miffed at my son-in-law and for the insecurity she has endured over the last five years.  Then, reflecting back I wondered how many times have I allowed the enemy to somehow get my focus on the temporal rather than the eternal.?  Yes, we all live with our daily needs, but somewhere along the way our focus shifts.  Maybe it is the grip of fear that holds it in its vice.  Or possibly our looking at the impending future and our lack of or the dwindling of our funds to cover our future needs.  Too often this creates an internal and external environment that can and will cause panic.  That panic compels us to find a solution an fix the issues at hand.  Uunfortunately, the Lord is not brought into this predicament.  He may occasionally asked to bless our efforts as a passing thought. 

I do not believe you can read John 14-15 with the Holy Spirit's teaching and enlightenment and not be brought up short.   For, self effort did not save our souls nor has it made us successful in any realm the world considers of value.  He bought us with His blood sacrifice and broke the power of sin, flesh and the devil, yet we too often act like our purpose and plans must be up to us.  It is a slap to the Face of God that our pride and arrogance has become our sufficiency, rather than Christ.

Don't get me wrong, having a job, taking care of our finances, wanting health insurance, are important aspects of this life, but are to kept in proper perspective.  Yet, we allow them too many times to become our driving force and focus.   The fallout of this malady is impatience, stress, anger and the inability to care or love others as the Lord would have us do.  Like being on the treadmill, we run-run-run, sweating and straining to accomplish or achieve our goal without thought or prayer as to whether we have become blind to God's Will and plan for our life.  We end up getting no where.  No job, finances seem to get worse, and the fear of impending illness all robs us of love and joy, which are natural byproducts of being and abiding in Christ.   This may please the enemy, and while he is smiling and jumping up and down believing he has won; our Lord is hurting and heart broken that we have allowed the adversity He designed for our lives to drive us to rest in His Lap, lend on His Chest and be settled at heart.

Since, we were grafted into the vine, Christ, He becomes the sap that flows through us for our strength, much like how the sap offers life and health to the vine' so Christ makes us fruitful,and gives us the power to be faithful to Him, not self!  Look up Galatians 5:22.  What is the fruit the Spirit brings forth: love, joy, peace to name a few.  Yet, we often trade them in for stress, inability to sleep and find rest.  Take a look, what is wrong with this picture?

For me, I want and desire His Will, His fruit, His plans and purpose for my life.  That means learning to rest not stress; His plans, not mine; His efforts and purpose for my future, not mine.  On one hand,  turning the reins of the life over to Him, for He bought me and paid a terrible price; suffering, rejection. tasting my sin who knew no sin, my shame and humiliation, this culminated into Him dying an unimaginable death.  Now I or you, have the audacity to tell Him I will fight my own fights, strive to supply for my needs, and all I ask  of You is that You is Your approval.  What arrogance!!

John tell us He gave us eternal life; His love is matchless and pure towards us; we carry His name so the world will glorify Him.
One time my middle girl was driving and had signaled to turn, and as she started to turn, the oncoming car purposefully ignored all her signs.  She then threw her hand up like a traffic cop telling the oncoming traffic to stop, the oncoming car stopped and she made her turn.    Is this not what we do to the Lord?  We throw our hand up and basically say, butt out, I have this under control.  An like the Gentleman, He is, He steps back and watches us make a mess of life. 

What do you and I really want in life?  Fight our Lord rather than the enemy?  Or do we want to "abide" in One who can truly handle it and turn our existence over to the ONLY One who is able to bring out of it His desired will and the fuit  of love, joy and peace bringing him glory.

How do you know if your abiding?  When the Father prunes us cutting away the good so we can produce the best.  To Him be the glory.

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