Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sentence of Death

Somehow I lost my note on this topic. When I read two accounts in the Bible, one on David in I Samuel 30:1-6 and Paul's comments to the Corinthian church in 2 Corinthians1:8-1, there was one phrase stated by Paul, and lived out by coth mem. "Sentenced to death." In the past two months I believe I have finally grasped those words. What did Paul mean? Why was this phrase so iportant that he made sure that not only the Corinthians knew this, but that all believers ould understand and embrace this principle. It has been said we only have two musts in life pay your taxes and die. From the time we are born till we begin the dying process. However, for those who have been "born again" this ought to hold no fear or terror of what is to come after we take our last breath. That breath of life is straight from God our creator, we ought not to take it for granted forwe know here we will, with Him forever. Yet, for those who d notknow withot a shadow of doubt where they will end up, ought to feel fear and terror. Recently, I spoke to a precious sister in Christ who according to the medical field, was given a set amount of time before her illness takes its final hold on her, and she then be in Heaven with her Lord. She has no fear, only peace. Paul knew what it was like coming to the end of oneself, and was moved by the Spirit, to pen this truth. The end of self is not deat as we think, but life as God offers. I have come to believe that the issue of the "sentence of death" is more about dying to self will and reliance on self, than our physical death. Paul says "beware". When his affliction became more than humanly bearable, ad he desaired so much thinking he might die that trust shifted from self to God. Why? Because, only God is able to raise the dead. Paul became dead to self strebgth, but alive through Christ, his hope, Who delivered him. Where are we in this struggle for life? Do we hold onto its grasp with clenched hands or release our very exsistence to the One who gave us physical life and more importantly spiritual lfe? My precious friend has taken hold of this truth and blessed assurance afforded her and those of who gave our life to Christ and now are a new creation, for the old has passed away, behold all is made new.

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