Monday, July 2, 2012

Praise to the Giver and Sustainer of Life

This couple of months has been one where only reliance on the Lord could bring about His plan for a new life. He wants us to lok only to Him for every person, born and unborb, and every detail of our life to Him. My granddaughter had a tough pregnancy and a scary delivery. No one but God knew what the outcome was to be. What He desired, I believe, was for His people to look and cry out to Him regarding this time. Neither doctors, tests etc...could predict the outcome. I think all participants in this situation, allowed by God, to reflect and review their relationship with Him. He is not obliged to answer our prayers, and our lives, attitudes and living out His commands of love and obedience can hinder our prayers. Take 1 Peter 3:7 for instance, it states that if husbands do not treat their wives, He did not add any contingencies to this, no escape clause was given, either teat your wife with love and understanding or your prayers would be hindered. Wive are admonished to treat their and to husbands with respect, whether they deserve it or not. Wives are to love their husbands and show them honor for this honors God and shows our reliance on Him, not self, regardless of any situation we are in. But, do we really take His Word seriously? Too often, I fear, we treat it like we may treat people; like trying to make it fit with my view versus God, the Author of the Word. Men often misuse their authority and their prayers are hindered; wives also cause dishonor to God by not relying on Him and fervent prayer for help with situation and their strength and protection; getting pastoral help when all else fails. Both are to act rightly withiut fear. There may be times, however, when pastoral or outside intervention may be called for, and input must be utilized for all concerned. God gave us His Book and human laws for the protection of His people. It is the wise to know which and what needs to done in those given situations. It is a heavy weight that pastors carry, but great strength and freedom to those who rely on His men for godly counsel. Only God knows the outcome of any circumstance. Our approach to any given circumstance we find ourselves in, I believe t have found in Scrpture through Paul and David. it is to come to the end of self and turn as if dead to the One and Only who can raise the dead. With my grand daughter, God heard the prayers of the righteous, those clothed in Christs righteousness, and try to live daily in His presence and will. He answered those prayers and our baby was healthy and well. My prayer now is that we all learned that God will not be mocked by self willed believers but the prayers and lives of those who chose to put Him first in all areas and as best we can obey His Word demonsrating that He rules or lives notself, fkesh or the enemy. Psams 4:1 says it all. May all of us who carry His name and washed in His blood live in Hs character and will looking onl unto Him, so our prayers will not be hindered. The life of a baby and or legacy depends upon this. Blessings

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