Friday, June 15, 2012

Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Today (Jn 4:34)

I woke up having a bad dream. Yet bad dreams can trigger unsettled heart issue which have recently arisen. However, when dreams are coupled with harsh words from friends they can cause one to question there value to the Lord and His kingdom. However, praise God for He is fully aware of these times and will use music and quotes to put things in proper perspective. Memories can either be a blessing or a curse. For they may bring our thoughts and our responses to mind which may still carry some regret. Thank God, only He is able to evaluate every heart and all the words spoken. We may question whether they were spoken out of concern, love, anger, or piety? But regardless they often have an unforunte .impact and may have change the course of ones possible contribution to the body of Christ. This may not have been their intent, but nevertheless it could be an unintended outcome. As an example, years ago while attending a group bible study, I would speak up when others would not. This lead to my being told that this was not acceptable. The fall out was fear and sensing I might not be able to stop sharing, it lead me to not participate in group studies for fear of being a distraction rather than added voice. I am talkative and spontaneous which has been my nemesis since childhood. Is it due to being ADHD? Could it be my excitement and love for God's Word? Can it be due to that I love to share what He has taught me? Now new q!research suggests that one of issues may be due to birth order, since I was the baby. My answer to all is probably yes. Now, I am left with the question what can I do to bring some peace and balance to this malady? Or is this something like Paul's throne that I need to accept that others will not be able to do as well?o I don't know the answer to the above. Until, my Lord choses to show me,my job is to stay close to Him. Work in union with the Spirit, relying on Him for wisdom and strength to continue dong what He calls me to do and strive overcome those issues He has allowed in my life. Continue to spend time alone with Him, study, pray and minister to those He brings my ways. To bear fruit versus taking up space. "Yesterday is a cancelled check. Tomorrow is a promissary note. Today isthe only cash you have, spendit wisely." Warren Wersbe To get my eyes off others opinions and or negative input, to be discerning about what mught be said that is from the Lord for deeper growth and faith. Rather than become distracted by bad dreams or hurtful words my goal is live out my time earing fruit

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