Monday, December 10, 2012

Here we go again.

Sunday, I found one of moles had changed and is now bigger and raised.  Yes, this may mean cancer again.  Not trying to jump to conclusions, but it seems from my research that it is a high rate of probability.  So, I as myself how should I react?  Questions abound about if this is true, how bad is it, what would be the prognosis, and the cost of treatment.  Unfortunately, I am more concerned over the cost rather than anything else.   Is God sovereign? YES!  Do I need fear?  NO!  Will I worry?  Not sure, have tried to break that habit by trusting the Lord, however, knowing my bent, it is possible. No lectures please, I already know scripturally how this is seen in God's eyes.  This is one area of my life, that a struggle still exist at times, or takes up too much of my time and thoughts.  I have no answer to them, but I know He does.  Yes, my lack of faith and/or trust is always a battle within.  Could use your prayers for this weakness of mine.  Does this mean I am in sin?  Possibly, so, Lord, forgive my lack of faith , deepen my faith and trust in all area that affect the life you have given me.

As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, joy still remains, but not fearing this disease or dying.  For I know who holds my days, hours and minutes in His Hands, and where I will go when my last breath is drawn.  Scripture tells me not to fear or be dismayed, but still the thought of how will this bring Him gloried through this is primary?  

My appointment is on the 21st of this month.  Actually, I had made an earlier one, but also had purchased a "cancer insurance" policy and it will not go into effect until the 19th.  Odd, but I felt led to apply for this.  Is this God's way to help me out financially, possibly. I don't want to spiritualize or read into this event.  However, even though it does not pay much, a small amount is still welcomed.

Life as a believer is full of ups and downs, and short term level ground.  How does one hold onto the Lord?If, I could use the account of Hezekiah and Jehoshaphat when they were up against a formative enemy, turned to the Lord, one took a threatening letter and placed it before the Lord.  As Sennacherib had challenged God's ability to beat him, as all other gods of various conquests was not able too.  However, they were only;y god's made by mans' hands without any real power.  For the peoples' were deceived and blinded to truth, and rather than turn to the Jews God they worshiped their idols.
Now, Jehoshaphat was surrounded by the enemy army.  In that moment when he knew that the  people had no power to overcome the enemy, turned his full attention to the Lord.  Where else would a believer go?  The Lord is only One who has power over the enemies of His own.  He allows certain things to transpire in our lives for a reason.  As Jehoshaphat stated, ..."we are powerless before this great enemy."   This is true of me if this is a cancerous mole.

So,I will much like those two godly leader did,  I will go before the Lord now before I find out for sure. Although,  I might be getting ahead of myself, but  I believer good defense is a great offence.  Who is greater than our Lord?  Remember, that both of these defense mechanisms are found in the Lord Jesus, and throughout scripture. 

To Hezekiah , God gave a battle plan to defeat both the enemies inside his camp and out.  God was the victor., and deserved and received the praise, honor and glory.,   Jehoshaphat,  God had them take their battle station, and watch their deliverance.  For the battle is the Lord's, not ours.  When victory came both of these men bowed down and praised their God. 

It is my earnest prayer that anyone who reads this blog, and is encouraged will praise the Lord and give Him the glory He so richly deserves.  

In 2 Chronicler's 20:3, it states that Jehoshaphat was afraid and turned to the Lord.  Never be ashamed at the initial sense of fear that may arise from being attacked by our foe, but remember that greater is He that is in us; than he who is in the world.   Winston Churchill stated it well, "the only fear to fear is fear itself."  Fear has no part of our mind, emotions or soul, for all of my being belongs to the Lord.  If, this is fatal, I know whee I go, if it is benign, then Praise His Name, if a need for treatment or surgery is necessary, I will need to rely on His strength and support more than ever.  But, I will cry and probably grieve, but will never lose my faith or trust in the Author and Finisher of my faith.   The outcome and my life is in His Hands.


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