Studying Proverbs 3 this mornging as I confessed I did not understand the why’s and wherefore of my situation. The study lead me to understand the terms, wisdom, learning, understanding and how they relate to me, God’child. These words lead me to study other words like child, sluggers, fool etc. My conclusion was that I handled finances, I acted like a child, who was untrained in how to manage funds. It takes no training to mishandled funds, rake up debt, and destroy ones reputation or FICA score. Over the years, I continued on a pathway of childlike behavior when handling my funds. Then, the Lord lead me to take a course from Dave Ramsey on finances. Finally, I saw for the first time what the Lord was pointing at. My plan, not God’s, was to pay off my bills, work 2 more years so all were paid off. Well, I paid off all but two credit cards. Two years more of working st the church and school, then financial freedom. God apparently had another plan for me. Within two months I lost both jobs, and only had my social security to live on. Ever since that devastating news, l questioned God, myself, and my situation. I was embarrassed, humiliated, and I was in a qaundry both personally and spiritually. I turned to the Lord, and a pastor friend for advise, help, and support. We called the credit card people, but they would not help until the account became I default. I thought of bankruptcy, but it was not the path for me, even now, as hard as it has been, I know it was the right decision. Questions, doubt still assail my mind and soul. What is the solution? Why have things not changed? I cried out to the Lord, and His answer was and us “wait.” Creditors still call, mail bills, and attempt an intimidation are ongoing, and waring, but my stand is firm, no bankruptcy! So, I search for understanding and answers. One day, I received a call which was like a carrots dangling in front of my face. A possibility to inherit enough to pay off my mobile home and debts. But, it was a ploy from the evil one to look to the possibility of inheriting money to solve my problem, rather than God. This carrot did not come to pass, and left me with more questions and doubts. Why Lord? How come? Will this ever be resolved? Not sure when this situation will be out to rest. However, my faith I my Lord, the scriptures has not changed, but deepened. Regardless of my circumstances, God is still God! He is still on the throne! What is changing, ever so slowly, is me. God has chosen this morning to show me, I was not foolish, a sluggar, but a child in the realm of finances. Like a child who is being trained I need to yield to His Hand, Heart and Plan! Not mine. I do not know if this financial mess will ever be cleared up, but this I know, God’s is in control! When I was a child, I acted like a child, but now, I am an adult, and will act accordingly. If God wants this debt paid off, He will accomplish it in His time. When doubts or questions come back I will lay them at throne of grace rather than carry them around to molest, separate or hinder my relationship with the Lord. Rather, I will place my trust and hope in His Word, found Proverbs 2: 1-11, 20-22. May however, reads this take heart, endure with perseverance thecwalk of faith, growing deeper in , over with the Lord and His Word. Proverbs 4: 23.