While rereading the Book of Genesis, and its accounts of Abram, and Jacob it becomes exceeding apparent how much I am like them. Both were schemers, both relied on self versus God, both feared man versus the God made man.
Both lost their testimony due to their walking by sight and not by the Spirit. Both needed to be broken so that God could heal them, and weakened so He would be their strengthen. Often their are family familiarities yet God plans for each person is different, and we must accept His will. Even though both men lived with the consequences of their errors, they were forgiven, greatly loved and greatly used by our Father in Heaven who loves us so deeply that it is almost incomprehensible by our finite mind and reason.
For reason would say, why try to understand God, His character and will; primarily because scripture tells us too, because without attempting to understand Him, becomes the most important thing about us. (A.W. Tozer).
What we think about God can encourage and make my day full of thanksgiving and gratitude for what transpires today. Do I see His hand, answers to prayer, the small things He is doing that without Him being in my thoughts and heart, would easily be missed. But rather it can bring a tear to my eye, a smile to my lips, hope to my heart, and joy to my soul. Oh, how I wish to able to express my inner thoughts so people could understand this heart of mine, but that is not always the case. I must rely on thee Holy Spirit to make my God. deepest longings and moaning made known to my Father and Lord. Self probing comes through a painful ordeal as to what I think of God. Much like Jacob, I needed to be delivered from myself, rather form my circumstances, poor financial choices which continue to follow me. Only then, can I be open to see, hear, and obey.
Broken people, broken relationships, broken dreams, broken hearts can lead, if we allow it, for our Father in Heaven, His precious Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to heal and rebuild from inside out to enter into a blessed relationship and communion with the Godhead. It matters not what comes my way, but it does matter what I do with it. How I handle this reality is a real test of faith.
Jeremiah 9:23-24 pus everything in proper perspective. My desire is to have a vital and ongoing relationship with my Lord God. To serve where He deems fit and in His time. To have the right view of my God, my Lord and The Spirit means continue brokenness, so I am healed, continued weakness so I can be strengthened. Then only then, can He receive the glory and honor and maybe in the process use me for his kingdom.
Oh, Lord, I rest my soul in thee for today and rest of the days ahead of my life.
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