Monday, May 13, 2013

Review the past; Anticipate the future; Accept your assignment!

When you look at your past what do you see?  Do you see God's hand working in your life?  In numbers 33-34, God wanted us to be able to see how He works in the lives of His children.  As I read, studied, and pondered these truths of our God's tender Fatherly care, and His role as Father, and God.  As loving, and tender as He is, I was struck by His plan and its' intricacies.  His desire for obedience is always followed by His blessings.

 God had brought these people's out of Egypt into to Sinai.  There they  entered into a covenant with Him.  But in spite, of all He had done for them on their journey, they refused to enter the promise land.   That defiance caused them to wander in the wilderness for forty years.   God does not wink at sin, nor disobedience.  Their are consequences to both.  This, then leads one to conclude, that their lack of trust and unbelief.  Which lead to wasted time, wasted times, and wasted opportunities.  Yet, God is gracious and long suffering to His people.

In reviewing my past, I am continually flabbergasted as I see His hand on me, before I knew Him.  I could have drowned at an outing with friends o  the last day of school.  We went to Lake Meridian to swim, even though it was shall we say chilly, but sunny.   All I was able to do was back- floating, but floated out to far for my feet to touch the lake bottom.  I panicked!  There was a canoe close by, so I reached as far as I could, but could not reach it.   I was yelling for help.  After what seemed like an hour, but in reality only a few second, a friend, Beverly swam out, grabbed the side if the boat  and stretched her legs out for me to hold onto. All I could grab was her big toe.  Somehow she found the strength to pull me to herself.  Then, she helped me get to the dock.  Safe!

Also, prior to that incident, I went through our cars windshield.  In those days,1938, it was regular glass, which cut my face from  above my right eye, to below my lower lip. This accident also caused my cranium to be cracked.  I had extremely high fevers  and when the fever subsided, night terrors.  In both cases I could have died, but God had another plan.

Also during my childhood, I was the punching bag for a brother that had survived a horrendous injury.  He was hospitalized for a year.  When he came home he was a different person.  The sweet brother was replaced by a very angry boy who was hell bent to destroy me.  Shooting at me, throwing knives at me, strangling me, and trying to smoother me, but God again protected me from death and major injury.  I believe that God had a plan for me to be His child, and for my life.  As a child, and young girl I suffered many things at my brothers hands, but God through the years has healed the wounds to my heart, mind, and soul.  By all rights  I should have died!

So, I  reviewing my past, I could see the invisible hand of God at work.  Now as I anticipate the future, He allowed me to become His child at the age of forty. Raised me up spiritually and biblically,  through the study and teaching of Bible Study Fellowship, and Pastor Mick Boersma.  He called me to go to college even though all I had was a GED.  He lead me to Western Baptist College, then to Chapman University, where I obtained a masters in counseling.

The Lord gave me a new life I couldn't have imagined.  As he lead the Israelites.  God set my boundaries, and work for me to do. Like the promised land it has been full of valleys and hills.   At times it seemed, like a wilderness, but through it all, He was, and is always with me.

At times it was like a dessert, and then He brings an Oasis.  Other times it seemed like being in the fiery furnace, but He provided the Word, and gave me shelter under His wings.  Now life seems to be calmer,  but I know this will not last as I have so much more to learn, and need to grow. This I know, I would rather be in the furnace, the flood, the storm, or the wilderness with Him, rather than be by myself.  Whatever my lot, I can say like Paul, I have learned to be content because of Christ.  With Christ it does not matter what terrain  we are going through as long as He is our constant companion!

To be reassured of His work in your life, read how God dealt with His people, read Numbers 33-34.

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