In numbers 35 it speaks regarding the residence, refuge, and redemption of the Levites. The Levites were set aside for their ministry in the tabernacle. Their full existence for living, had to depend on God! He, God, designated forty-eight cities that were to be given to them by the tribes. Out of these six were designated for cities of refuge whereby those who accidentally killed someone where safe from revenge. As long as they stayed within the cities limits, they were safe. But, if they left for whatever reasoning their safety was lifted, and any family member wanting revenge was able to do so. This us a picture if our safety and refuge in Christ. Our residence is in heaven. Christ us our refuge, and our redemption. We trust Him for the forgiven of our sins, and unlike the city of refuge, our salvation is assured thorough the death and resurrection if Christ. It is not probation! Judgement is past, we gave no fear of being put to death. We gave inherited "eternal life." Our high priest, Jesus Christ, will never die.
In Numbers 36, Moses made sure that if a man died without any sons, his daughters inherited the land. With the inheritance also came the responsibility, that they could only marry within their tribe. This union, then, kept the land within the tribe rather than have their inheritance distributed elsewhere. We, too are to marry those only in the Lord. What struck me in this passage is the concern that was shown for women. This was unusual during the Old Testament, yet shows God's tenderness towards the weaker vessel. Another assurance for women, was when a man out of the hardness of his heart, wanted to divorce his wife, but had no grounds. He the husband, had to keep her and care for her all the days of her life. Probably not the way she might have wanted to be cared, but nonetheless God watched after her. When Christ came, He equalized the care for women by allowing the women to be an integral part of His personal care, and His ministry.
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