Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Ark a Picture of Our Life in Christ

 Sunday morning came but having not gotten any sleep, I decided to stay home from church.  It was a special time to  study God's Word.   My study was sparked by Adrian Rogers message earlier this morning.  I really had never done an in depth study on the Ark.  I,  like so many who read these accounts,  and see some interesting points, sometimes don't take the time to delve into its' rich meaning.  Which is why God put it in the Bible. So, I was thrilled to be able to take Adrian's thoughts and expand and expound on them.

According to Warren Wiersbe the Genesis account of chapters 6-8 regarding the Ark, can be broken into four sections.  The first section is, The holiness of God: 6:1-7; next, The grace of God: 6:8-7:10; then, The wrath of God: 7:11-24; and finally, The faithfulness of God: 8:1-22.

What can we learn from this section of scripture that can relate to where we are today?  Noah believed God, trusted God, and meditated on God's Word.  This is our example to having faith which God rewarded.  Just like in Joshua 3,  humanly speaking he had an unknown future.  So. he prayed, trusted, and meditated on God's Word.  Do we?

God asked him to move forward into the promised land by crossing the flooded Jordan River.  However, like Joshua and Noah, God will go before us.  When we follow, as God directs.  we do this by keeping our eyes on Him, and hold fast to His Word.  For God knows best the way to go, leads the way,  and opens the way.  We, like these two men have nothing to fear.   They learned what we must, the future is our friend when we follow and trust the Lord and hold onto His promises. .

There are several chapters involved in this study, beginning at Genesis chapters 6 through chapter 8.  In chapter six we see our God tired of "striving with man."   Have you ever wondered why this happened?  According to the account, the Nephilim, sons and daughters of man, in the lineage of Cain. They lived in the valley below, from where the sons of (God) Seth lived. These people were carnal, and flesh driven, and non-believers of God, rather they desired unrighteousness, and evil.  This was new news to me!

God, understanding the weakness of mans flesh, had warned the son's of God specifically telling them not to intermarry with unbelievers.  These women were not believers of God, but of evil.

However, they were seduced by their beauty,  and the flames of lust fanned out of control for the women in the valley.  Eventually, lust took control, and the men on the mountain gradually scooted down to the valley where they had intercourse with the son's of mans, daughters, and eventually became so polluted with their practices of sin, that God had had enough.  He was so grieved in His heart, that He decided to blot out all mankind, animals, and all living things on earth.

Fortunately, there was  man named Noah, who found favor with God.  Please note Noah did not earn His favor but found favor, like Abraham through, his faith in God.  His practices of faith, was through living in a righteous manner.  This favor was the reward of his faith in God.  Noah walked with God. (Gen.  8-9).

Then God shared with Noah,  His plan to destroy all living beings on earth,  as a result of their sin and violence.  Furthermore,  He gave Noah a specific blueprint for building the Ark.  This object was to hold Noah, his family, the animals,  birds etc.., all living things on earth.  They came in pairs, except the the clean animals were seven, the seventh was for the sacrifice after the flood had dissipated. This was part of Gods' s plan so they could continue replenishing the earth once the flood, had receded.

Now let us take a closer look.  Have you given any thought to what the Ark resembled?  I know to me it was just a flat boat.  But, to my surprise, it was shaped like a coffin.  Coffin's are to carry the dead.  It had a door on the side, and a skylight.  Now this was a new thought and picture to me.  A picture as we enter the baptismal waters.  We enter the waters symbolizing that we have died to flesh, and rise in Christ.   When we are raised up, we have entered into a new life, a new creation. Rom. 6:4.  Just as Christ had done before us.

The Ark, was made of gopher wood, preserved and made air tight with pitch. Pitch in the Arabic, means "redemption."   The Ark had a large door on the side, with a skylight on top, per God's instructions.  Noah had been given instructions by God exactly what He planned to do, bringing a flood, and making a covenant, and with Noah, his wife, sons, and sons wives.  Noah was to gather food for his own and for the animals and all brought on the Ark.

So, what have I learned so far as to how this account touches my life.  First, God is with me, He will keep me safe, He will see to it that I am provided for.  Like Noah, I have God's promise for a future.  Also, like Noah, I have an assured destination, heaven.   God is my sufficiency, my  constant companion, my security, I, too, have been given His grace and mercy.   But, I also need to recognize that God is just and will judge as well love, and be merciful.

God sealed the door, and all Noah had was a skylight to see through from which, he saw the heavens.  We are sealed Eph. 1:13.  God closed the door from the outside and sealed it so water could not seep in.  Jesus is our door, John 10:9.  Noah and his own were shut in by God, and they were the object of divine care.  God guided and protected the Ark, for without this Noah and his own would have perished.  He was safe, in God's tender care, and protection.    At no time did Noah demonstrate fear, but he experienced peace for he trusted God implicitly.  Noah remained in the Ark until God said he could get out.  Do we wait on God, or run ahead or lag behind?  The key for Noah and us is to trusting and obeying God regardless of the circumstances or situation.  Our goal ought to be to know God like Noah did.

The Ark was on land for 2 month's, until the waters totally receded.  What was Noah thinking during this wait?  Was he impatient?   What would I be thinking and/or feeling?  Noah sent the raven first, who came back and probably rested on top of the Ark until the water had abated. Then, a dove went out, but came back.  The second time the dove was released she came back with an olive leaf.  Thus Noah realized the earth have been totally dry.

In chapter 8 God told Noah to finally forth, verse15-16.    How Noah kept from getting impatient while waiting to leave the Ark?  It was 2 whole months after the Ark landed on top of Mt. Ararat that the earth was dry.  Can you imagine?  What a great trust relation Noah had with God, he awaited a total of about 7-10 months from start to finish.  Granted he had work to do, feed the animals on board, clean up their eliminations.  A few questions come to mind; did the Ark smell from their excrement?  Where  did Noah and his family do their personal business?  Imagine 7-10 months without a bath or washing our clothes. I suppose this is inconsequential to the account, but it is the way my curiosity works.

Noah and his family exited the Ark first, then the all the other inhabitants.  But, Noah being a faith filed, and godly man did something that was worth noting.  He built an altar and sacrificed to God.   Which was a a sweet aroma to to the Lord.  This account ends with God's promise to never flood the earth again. 2 Peter 3:7.

Wrapping up, that like the Ark, saints are unsinkable when we keep the faith, trust, and belief,  in the Almighty God.   He is our sufficiency,  our refuge in the Storm, our safe harbor, our final destination, full of grace and mercy, a God who so loves His own and, takes care of them that He guides us to our final destination.  We are safe in  His care, and like Noah, He offers us grace, mercy, and loves to offer us His favor.  Ephesians 2:9-10, Romans 2: 6-7.

Noah had courage to stand against the evil of the culture that surrounded him  man's threats, mocking  laughing, trying to undermine God's commands, but he did not allow their taunts to deter him from what he was called to do, by God.  Nor did he deviate from his faith, for we see his sons, wife and daughter-in-laws following him into the coffin called the Ark.  This man's intimate relationship with God is worth emulating.

When God told Noah to step out of the Ark, he set up an altar , and sacrificed to the Lord.  The sacrifice was a sweet aroma in  the nostrils of God.  We too, according to II Cor. 2:14-15 are the fragrance of Christ  to God.

In closing ask yourself: do you seek God's holiness like Noah?  There is only one way to saved, for Noah and his family it was the door I the Ark.  But for us is Christ Jesus.  Have you entered the door of salvation?  Like in the day of Noah, judgement will come.  Are you covered because of His grace, and mercy?  God is faithful, do we believe that?  Do we live, like we believe this? Are we as faithful to God like Noah?  Do I hold onto His promises and Words regardless if what transpire in my life?  Let us pray! 

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