I am going to attempt to incorporate several Scriptures, personal thoughts, hopefully culminating in an encouraging challenge for both myself and you that read this blog. Lord willing, I will try to relate Ruth to Naomi, Isaiah 43:18; the blind man in Mark10:46-52; Luke 7:47; 2 Corinthians 5:7; 2 Corinthians 8:11
My Lord's provisions, over the last three years, has been overwhelming! When this season of life began several years ago, it was a time of tears, and despair coupled by many questions of which I had no answers. Even though I fully believed God is sovereign, and nothing comes to His child that has not first gone through His hand. Knowing this truth, did not stop the initial pain, hurt, rejection, and misunderstanding of my motivation, and heart. But, in spite of the already stated pain I chose not to give into it. For Scripture tells me, to render my flesh dead, and allow God, my defender to do His good work in me. This includes transforming my mind, false theology, opinions etc... they are ALL now to line up with Scripture; my not feelings or erroneous beliefs. I was willing to offer my body, but it is taking many years to transform the other things which can, if left unattended, weaken our faith and trust in Him!
In a sense, I felt some what-like Naomi who after her husband, and her sons had, died she became bitter. She blamed God for these events, rather than looking at herself and the choices her and her husband made to disobey God, wanting not to go through a famine, thy chose to go to Egypt. They did not pray about this decision, but acted on the times they were in, and chose to ignore their God. They went to an ungodly nation, rather than staying in Israel. They also, allowed their son's to marry pagan Moabite women. But, all the men died. Can't you just hear Naomi saying, "God, now what?" Naomi decided to return to her home country, an steeped in sorrow and blame, and without a thought or regard for her daughter-in-laws soul, sent them back to a life of worshipping idols, and pagan gods.
However, Ruth had come to know Naomi's God, and would not return to pagan gods. Wiersbe stated in his commentary on Ruth; "Naomi's emptiness became fullness, and her sorrow turned into joy. "But, Ruth found her "kinsman redeemer, " and became part of the lineage of Jesus Christ her Savior and Lord.
I will at times say it woukd have been tempting to nurse my wounds, but He reminds me daily, I am to die to my flesh, for He's my Rock and Hiding Place' my comfronter, my peace, my defender, and my provider. What did I have to fear? Nothing! For if I "truly feared the Lord," there ought to be no longer any other fear to distract my faith or thoughts, for fear paralyzes and keeps us from being fruitful.
However, I knew without a shadow of doubt that the devil was pushing, and prodding me towards that awful condition of bitterness, through planting thoughts, and laying on my emotions, all promoted self pity. Thoughts like, you know the ones, poor Ellen, you did not deserve that; God must be angry with you to allow this, and those hurtful accusations. But praise God, who had trained me in the Word of God, I knew better! The Scripture's reminded me, that is not the way God wanted me to go. So, unlike Naomi, I choose not to become bitter! On the other hand Ruth is a good example of how to respond to adversity, and the meeting of her needs: she listened, she obeyed, believed and finally received. Therefore, I prayed for those who had hurt me, and asked and God to bless them for I truly believe they meant it for my good. Regardless of whether their motive was what I believe or not, we all belong to God. I can now say this, after three years, God has used this situation for His glory, not mine. My responsibility was and is to follow Him, and let the Holy Spirit mold me into my Savior's likeness, and He has a long way to go! Has it been easy, no! But, it has proven beneficial for my growth, and training in Christ, and in godly living.
All of my Christian life God has watched over me, but unfortunately like allot of Americans had not become totally dependent on my Lord. It is what I desired, as Romans 12:1 tells what He expects, that and are to be a living sacrifice. Unfortunately, I had a blind spot on this issue, for I trusted on God on one hand and my jobs and paychecks on the other. God only allowed this dichotomy until it was time in the maturing process to show me differently He chose, and prepared a time I would be open to the truth, that went against old teachings. The lie, to give God ten percent the rest is yours to spend as you see fit. As a believer all we have or earn, belongs to God; not us! God does not want us to have credit card payments, for then we in bondage to another, rather than slaves to Christ. We are to have no other master, but Christ Jesus. Credit card like most debt is master over us, and what we can do with the monies we have been blessed with. So, I am still in the throws of getting out of debt!
Praise God above He knows my heart! So, what must I do? Take off the cloak that hinders me, put on Christ daily. The blind man in Luke is an interesting study. He probably was born blind, like his father for both names are mentioned which was unusual. At time in reading the Scripture's we take it at face value, rather than seeking what is this account trying to tell me. This is what I discovered, and impacted me. More likely born blind probably genetic and a beggar, the verse gives us both father and sons name. His cloak depicted he was a real blind man, that was his identity. He was blind, but not deaf. He could not read, but he heard the Torah, and the crowds talking about Jesus, and His healing power. Now, Jesus was coming by. He heard and asked, what was going on, they told him Jesus is coming. He yelled out, jumped up, and threw off his cloak (his human identity) Jesus Son of David have mercy on me. Why this title? His spirit was not blind, that title meant he knew that Jesus was his Messiah. Fascinating! Jesus stopped, and asked what the blind man wanted. Why did he need to say his need, Jesus knew before he asked what the need was, but wanted him to articulate his need? (Good example for us when we cry out know and express our need.) Jesus said, "your faith has healed you." Then, he received his sight!
Well for me, it was time or me throw my cloak of poor theology concerning my finances. This has proven to be the best time of my life, having to trust God for everything, and He has been my provider for the last three years as well. Through Him, my mobile home is paid off. It came about in a miraculous way. An aunt had died in 1998, and left an insurance policy in my name, of which I had no idea. Then, this year in February, I received a call regarding this policy. Apparently, my cousin had kept this information from myself, and three other recipients. Long story short, God had a plan for the monies, through subsequent circumstances, I did not believe that I would receive any of it, but God had a different outcome intended. Two weeks ago, I received half of the policy amount, and paid off my home. Praise to God, for His goodness and provision for this old lady.
I have been called to stay faithful, and keep out of future debt. My goal is to out of debt s much as I humanly can. I have added debt due to medical bills from two surgeries, but am slowly paying them off along with two other bills. Last week God blessed me again, for He knows, the desire of my heart is to get out of debt. God laid on the heart of a friend who gave me a cell phone which I do not need to pay the monthly bill, and cancelled the one I do pay for. On top of that my daughter will look into putting me on her family plan when the contract is up on the current call phone. What a God! Iask Him every day to help me with my finances and to give me His wisdom regarding my spending. God has honored that prayer. I had no idea this help with my monthly budget would come this way, but I am learning ask, but do not tell Him how to answer that need, unless it is a specific need like the blind man.
How much do I love God, Luke 7 says it best: "those who have been forgiven much, love much!" We are His property; and own nothing anymore! Like the blind man, I live by faith; not sight!
I will close with this truth, in 2 Corinthians 8:14, tells us that we are to give eagerly to our fellow brothers and sisters in need and the church. Only God is able o do this, that your plenty will supply their need, so in turn they will supply your need. Then it said, "he who gathered much does not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have to little." This truth took on a new meaning o me this week. I have little, by the worlds standard, but I do not have too little. He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. I prayed in the past for an easy way out, "God sell some of your cattle. " No answer! Why, because I asked amiss. He will not answer a selfish prayer, until I begin to live as He desires, and do what is pleasing to Him. It is not that hat I asked was wrong, but I was continuing to charge. So, why would He want to support in doing what He already has said s wrong. Looking to paychecks for my provision is wrong; look to God for the job can easily be removed. Charging and looking to your income is not a means unto itself, but our provider is God, and wants to provide for me (you) like He did for Ruth. That is focus that was correct. So, once I have new sight, I must throw off the cloak of blindness. What are you blind to, and need to cry out for mercy. Please, throw off your cloak now.
For we are new creations in Chist, put on the new man and take off the old! Walk in newness of life in your mind and heart.
Throw away the cloak of slavery to whatever it might be: erroneous thelogy, wrong belief system, wrong identity, debt and/or any blind spot. If you are not sure which is your wrongful cloak, pray to have it expose to you. Once revealed, correct it, and put on Christ and live as he tells us to do in Scripture.
Blessings and allow all your convictions to shape your confidence in God.
My Lord's provisions, over the last three years, has been overwhelming! When this season of life began several years ago, it was a time of tears, and despair coupled by many questions of which I had no answers. Even though I fully believed God is sovereign, and nothing comes to His child that has not first gone through His hand. Knowing this truth, did not stop the initial pain, hurt, rejection, and misunderstanding of my motivation, and heart. But, in spite of the already stated pain I chose not to give into it. For Scripture tells me, to render my flesh dead, and allow God, my defender to do His good work in me. This includes transforming my mind, false theology, opinions etc... they are ALL now to line up with Scripture; my not feelings or erroneous beliefs. I was willing to offer my body, but it is taking many years to transform the other things which can, if left unattended, weaken our faith and trust in Him!
In a sense, I felt some what-like Naomi who after her husband, and her sons had, died she became bitter. She blamed God for these events, rather than looking at herself and the choices her and her husband made to disobey God, wanting not to go through a famine, thy chose to go to Egypt. They did not pray about this decision, but acted on the times they were in, and chose to ignore their God. They went to an ungodly nation, rather than staying in Israel. They also, allowed their son's to marry pagan Moabite women. But, all the men died. Can't you just hear Naomi saying, "God, now what?" Naomi decided to return to her home country, an steeped in sorrow and blame, and without a thought or regard for her daughter-in-laws soul, sent them back to a life of worshipping idols, and pagan gods.
However, Ruth had come to know Naomi's God, and would not return to pagan gods. Wiersbe stated in his commentary on Ruth; "Naomi's emptiness became fullness, and her sorrow turned into joy. "But, Ruth found her "kinsman redeemer, " and became part of the lineage of Jesus Christ her Savior and Lord.
I will at times say it woukd have been tempting to nurse my wounds, but He reminds me daily, I am to die to my flesh, for He's my Rock and Hiding Place' my comfronter, my peace, my defender, and my provider. What did I have to fear? Nothing! For if I "truly feared the Lord," there ought to be no longer any other fear to distract my faith or thoughts, for fear paralyzes and keeps us from being fruitful.
However, I knew without a shadow of doubt that the devil was pushing, and prodding me towards that awful condition of bitterness, through planting thoughts, and laying on my emotions, all promoted self pity. Thoughts like, you know the ones, poor Ellen, you did not deserve that; God must be angry with you to allow this, and those hurtful accusations. But praise God, who had trained me in the Word of God, I knew better! The Scripture's reminded me, that is not the way God wanted me to go. So, unlike Naomi, I choose not to become bitter! On the other hand Ruth is a good example of how to respond to adversity, and the meeting of her needs: she listened, she obeyed, believed and finally received. Therefore, I prayed for those who had hurt me, and asked and God to bless them for I truly believe they meant it for my good. Regardless of whether their motive was what I believe or not, we all belong to God. I can now say this, after three years, God has used this situation for His glory, not mine. My responsibility was and is to follow Him, and let the Holy Spirit mold me into my Savior's likeness, and He has a long way to go! Has it been easy, no! But, it has proven beneficial for my growth, and training in Christ, and in godly living.
All of my Christian life God has watched over me, but unfortunately like allot of Americans had not become totally dependent on my Lord. It is what I desired, as Romans 12:1 tells what He expects, that and are to be a living sacrifice. Unfortunately, I had a blind spot on this issue, for I trusted on God on one hand and my jobs and paychecks on the other. God only allowed this dichotomy until it was time in the maturing process to show me differently He chose, and prepared a time I would be open to the truth, that went against old teachings. The lie, to give God ten percent the rest is yours to spend as you see fit. As a believer all we have or earn, belongs to God; not us! God does not want us to have credit card payments, for then we in bondage to another, rather than slaves to Christ. We are to have no other master, but Christ Jesus. Credit card like most debt is master over us, and what we can do with the monies we have been blessed with. So, I am still in the throws of getting out of debt!
Praise God above He knows my heart! So, what must I do? Take off the cloak that hinders me, put on Christ daily. The blind man in Luke is an interesting study. He probably was born blind, like his father for both names are mentioned which was unusual. At time in reading the Scripture's we take it at face value, rather than seeking what is this account trying to tell me. This is what I discovered, and impacted me. More likely born blind probably genetic and a beggar, the verse gives us both father and sons name. His cloak depicted he was a real blind man, that was his identity. He was blind, but not deaf. He could not read, but he heard the Torah, and the crowds talking about Jesus, and His healing power. Now, Jesus was coming by. He heard and asked, what was going on, they told him Jesus is coming. He yelled out, jumped up, and threw off his cloak (his human identity) Jesus Son of David have mercy on me. Why this title? His spirit was not blind, that title meant he knew that Jesus was his Messiah. Fascinating! Jesus stopped, and asked what the blind man wanted. Why did he need to say his need, Jesus knew before he asked what the need was, but wanted him to articulate his need? (Good example for us when we cry out know and express our need.) Jesus said, "your faith has healed you." Then, he received his sight!
Well for me, it was time or me throw my cloak of poor theology concerning my finances. This has proven to be the best time of my life, having to trust God for everything, and He has been my provider for the last three years as well. Through Him, my mobile home is paid off. It came about in a miraculous way. An aunt had died in 1998, and left an insurance policy in my name, of which I had no idea. Then, this year in February, I received a call regarding this policy. Apparently, my cousin had kept this information from myself, and three other recipients. Long story short, God had a plan for the monies, through subsequent circumstances, I did not believe that I would receive any of it, but God had a different outcome intended. Two weeks ago, I received half of the policy amount, and paid off my home. Praise to God, for His goodness and provision for this old lady.
I have been called to stay faithful, and keep out of future debt. My goal is to out of debt s much as I humanly can. I have added debt due to medical bills from two surgeries, but am slowly paying them off along with two other bills. Last week God blessed me again, for He knows, the desire of my heart is to get out of debt. God laid on the heart of a friend who gave me a cell phone which I do not need to pay the monthly bill, and cancelled the one I do pay for. On top of that my daughter will look into putting me on her family plan when the contract is up on the current call phone. What a God! Iask Him every day to help me with my finances and to give me His wisdom regarding my spending. God has honored that prayer. I had no idea this help with my monthly budget would come this way, but I am learning ask, but do not tell Him how to answer that need, unless it is a specific need like the blind man.
How much do I love God, Luke 7 says it best: "those who have been forgiven much, love much!" We are His property; and own nothing anymore! Like the blind man, I live by faith; not sight!
I will close with this truth, in 2 Corinthians 8:14, tells us that we are to give eagerly to our fellow brothers and sisters in need and the church. Only God is able o do this, that your plenty will supply their need, so in turn they will supply your need. Then it said, "he who gathered much does not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have to little." This truth took on a new meaning o me this week. I have little, by the worlds standard, but I do not have too little. He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. I prayed in the past for an easy way out, "God sell some of your cattle. " No answer! Why, because I asked amiss. He will not answer a selfish prayer, until I begin to live as He desires, and do what is pleasing to Him. It is not that hat I asked was wrong, but I was continuing to charge. So, why would He want to support in doing what He already has said s wrong. Looking to paychecks for my provision is wrong; look to God for the job can easily be removed. Charging and looking to your income is not a means unto itself, but our provider is God, and wants to provide for me (you) like He did for Ruth. That is focus that was correct. So, once I have new sight, I must throw off the cloak of blindness. What are you blind to, and need to cry out for mercy. Please, throw off your cloak now.
For we are new creations in Chist, put on the new man and take off the old! Walk in newness of life in your mind and heart.
Throw away the cloak of slavery to whatever it might be: erroneous thelogy, wrong belief system, wrong identity, debt and/or any blind spot. If you are not sure which is your wrongful cloak, pray to have it expose to you. Once revealed, correct it, and put on Christ and live as he tells us to do in Scripture.
Blessings and allow all your convictions to shape your confidence in God.
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