Sunday, August 4, 2013

Components of Leadership: Poor versus Good

In reading I Samuel 10-14the Lord revealed to my heart and mind a comparison of the components between what makes a good even a great leader versus a poor and evil leader.  These traits not only were startling,  but brought fear and hope to my being.   For in the reading, our countries leader came to mind.  Unfortunately, both he and his followers were much like the Israelites desires and trust was  for a human king, rather than exhibiting faith and trust in  God.  Both Saul and the people without considering the potential of their choice,  rejected God, and reaped the rewards of their choice.

Therefore, relying on their heart, and desire to be like other nations they rebelled on the God who brought them out of captivity, who loved them and proved that love, mercy, and grace He proved to them, over and over again.  Oh how we humans can be so deceived wanting to be like others who are not walking nor desire to serve God.  How often has God blessed, protected thus nation from its enemies over our countries history.  All one needs to do us see where we were, to where we are today with clear vision, not based on opinions or politics, but on facts.  History, will prove that when this nation put God first, and His principles we continued to prosper and have an  abundance. We took this for granted, but was sold a lie, which we believed, because our nation was not perfect, and rather focused on those areas needing attention, and correction we willingly wanted and desire to accomplish this utopia without God, the Bible and its principles for faith and life.  We forgot that,  perfection this side of heaven is impossible; for man is tainted by sin.  We have been seduced by our own form of greed promoted by our present leader,  rather than having a leader pointing us to strive to live our lives based on Scripture and faith in the Almighty God.  For it is He who holds the key to why we were once a great nation.

This is no longer true nor can it be said of the USA.  We have lost our way, and like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness.  For we looked to a man, versus God.  To a talker who poured salt into an open wound of areas of injustice, discontent who offered a form of Utopia.  Falsely believing that the answer is becoming a nation, like other's, who rejected God, and that put social issues, often unbiblical, above God's principles for a healthy people and nation.   Trusting in man, and his perverse ways, rather than looking for a person of trustworthy  character, who would promote continued hope and trust in the God of the Bible.  We settled for a man who professed to being a believer In Christ, yet has rebelled against all His godly principles, while promoting division, overriding our foundational documents which by the way was based on the Bible, killing righteousness and exchanging it for the deeds of the flesh.  A person, who is promoting a false religion over Christianity.  A man who appeared as an angel of light, and a wolf in sheep's clothing, and God forgive us, for our people have become haters of good, yet honor what what is evil.

So what are the marks of a good leader versus a poor leader?   According to the Book of I Samuel, they can be observed when we apply discernment which is based on knowing the difference between good and evil.  Consider the following: Saul was called to be the leader of the nation Israel; he was given assurances of his calling.  However, to become a good leader, according to fulfill, and be successful Saul needed to do several things which he chose to ignore.  He became self-focused not God-centered.

A good leader needs to able to problem solve, provide for the needs of the people, power to protect and serve, to know and hear from God, to wait and be obedient.  Although Saul started well, but as time went on, he trusted more in himself, than in God.  He showed modesty, and lack of retaliation to his critics, and although may have been commendable, but when he shirked from his coronation, it was a sing of irresponsibility.   His hiding, but was a signs of things to come, but people lacked to notice this error in his  character?   Proverbs 28:13 warns of those who try to cover their sins.

Just because one has authority and ability does not say they would make a good leader. Leadership must be proven, and successfully tested.  Saul failed on all accounts.

Saul had been given authority, he had stature, but the victory went to his head, and he began to get rid of his critics.  Does any of this seem similar to our leader today?  What about you and I, do the crisis in our lives strengthen us I the Lord, and does it cause us to trust God, build our our faith, and give Him the glory when there is a victory?  

Are we like the Israelites in rejecting a godly man of faith who is devoted to the Lord, or do we focus on his imperfections?  Saul forgot to recall the nations history, how God's power helped the nation, their covenant with Him.  Have we done the same?  No longer a nation of prayer,  forsaking the Ten Commandments, and our foundational documents and faith in God, rather he encouraged what God calls evil to appease those who hate God.  Saul weakened the army and the people with his age old religion of self-love.  This lead to his acting indecisive in matters, failure to inspire the people, failure to tell the truth, and only offered excuses.    Saul's epitaph will read, he was great on words, but weak on actions.  

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