Monday, August 6, 2012

A Tribute to Faith and Hope

My former pastor and his precious wife visited our church yesterday.  It was a day of remembrances; a day of glorifying God; a day proclaiming God's goodness regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in;  looking to the day of our future hope.

Let s remember: His promises, and will for our lives are good.  He holds our days and circumstances in His Hands and brings into them what He desires for our good; even though at times we would disagree.  However, my precious sister in Christ held that assurance so adamantly you knew she knew what she knew, because she believed in Jesus Christ her Lord.   Her going home holds no fear or regret.  Lorna was gracious, caring and genuine about her final journey with her Lord.  No pity party, only glorifying God through this final race home.  Oh, that we all would be so in love and loyal to our Lord as she.  This brought to mind the reason for my hope.

My New Birth:

Do you remember being made brand new through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?  Boy I do.  It was after our Bible Study Luncheon where I understood for the first time the gospel of Jesus Christ and that He is not a God of confusion.  Once I truly believed the Scriptures of what Christ did for me and that those negative accusations no longer held true as I cried out to Jesus kneeling at the back of bed in my bedroom.  He gave me faith to believe and believe I did.  I did not have all the answers nor did I doubt the scriptures were absolutely true and worthy to hold onto.   This was the beginning of a new life, new hope, new peace, new joy and I finally knew I was accepted and belonged to His family and the God of the universe.  This truth never leaves me for very long although the enemy was and is still after me.  Now, the enemy is more subtle and uses family and friends to bring me down or cause me to lose faith in Christ.  But, once you have tasted and been born again, your sins forgiven, given a new purpose in life, were or to who   would you go?  He is all I need and want, the rest fades into nothingness.  I have had the privilege of being taught by godly men and women.  Three men stand out and two women.  Pastor Ron and Lorna are among those I cherish and admire.  I thank God for His hand in bringing these special people in my life, challenge my faith, look at my short comings and blind spots, given me opportunity to minister to God's people.  My heart overflows with gratitude for these pastor's and those women.  But only one couple is amongst that small special group, Ron and Lorna.  Thank you God and thank you pastor and Lorna.

God glorified:

Is there any more desired goal; not for Lorna, Pastor, or myself.   Both of these precious souls have demonstrated that in front of the sheep he shepherd and those who have observed, heard and grew under his teaching.  She, as it ought to be, is his biggest cheerleader.  A woman many would do well to emulate as a helper for their mates. 

I have had the privilege of calling her my friend.  What is a friend?  Loving, caring, loyal, concerned, prayer warrior, builds you up when you are down, and lovingly challenges you as needed.  I think pastor was surprised when I publicly stated this truth.  For we do not spend much time together, yet we are soul sisters.  I admire her above most women.  In my eyes she is almost perfect.  I know that statement would be embarrassing to her and she would discount it out of her humbleness.  For whatever kind of woman she has become it is her Lord that gets the glory.  She does this well!
Proclaiming God's goodness:

Lorna did just that through her declaration that we have no right to hate which what He brings or allows in our lives.  This is where her deep and mature faith shown through yesterday.  Lorna could not have been more clearer in declaring that God is a good God, sovereign, holds our times in His hands and has our days numbered.  Only He, through the death and resurrection of His only begotten Son, has the right to say how they are to be lived out and what we will experience.  Now, Lorna and Pastor are human as well with feelings, and both were willing to share them.  They allow tears to come, but no bitterness.  They grieve that the end is coming, but hope for the future home.  For, they know, who they believe and trust.  The One who gave His life to buy them off the sin block and has lead them all these many years. Years that have produced loyalty, trust, faith, deep love, a living example and legacy to share with all who know them and those who may come to know them through this final journey.

Looking forward to our Blessed Hope:

Lorna's body is weak.  She experiences great fatigue and needs to be careful that she not be exposed to any form of illness, even the common cold.  Her body is wearing out.  With this on my heart, I went to the Word and as I read I Corinthians 16 which speaks of Christs return and that for those who believe, will be given a new body, like Christ 's (I John 3:1-3)  A new resurrected body not a reconstructed body according to Warren Wiersbe.  Not a reassembled one made out of the original body, that will or has returned to dust, but new! 

 This is the hope for every one who know Christ as Lord and Savior.  Does verse 58 will characterize our lives as it does Pastor Ron and Lorna.  Both of these most precious people in God's and my eyes know the "best is yet to come."

I close this tribute with a quote by F.W. Robertson.  "In God's world, for those who are in earnest, there is no failure,.  No work truly done, no word earnestly spoken, no sacrifice freely made, was ever made in vain."

My love, deep respect are sent to you both.   

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