For those of us who are His own, He provides for our needs. This truth is significant, and ought to bring great comfort as the true believer is in God's providential care. For our God visits, touches, communicates, controls, and intervenes as He comes before and between people and their needs. His providence ought to make us all very thankful. For at the heart of everyone who scoffs at this truth is a person denying the personhood of God.
God is benevolent and wise as He watches over His creation. According to the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647) states, “God, the great Creator of all things, doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, from the greatest even to the least, by his most wise and holy providence, according to his infallible foreknowledge and the free and immutable counsel of his own will, to the praise of the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy.”
As the above indicates, God—from whom nothing is hidden (Pss. 33:13–15; 139:1–16; Isa. 40:27–28) and whose power is surpassingly great (Job 42:2; Jer. 32:17)—wisely oversees and sovereignly controls all creation. In so doing He attends not only to apparently momentous events and people but also to those that seem both mundane and trivial. Thus, while He holds the lives of both kings and nations in His hand (cp. Isa. 40:21–26; Jer. 18:1–6), God also concerns Himself with the welfare of the lowly and meek (cp. Pss. 104:10–30; 107:39–43). Indeed, so all encompassing is God’s attention to events within creation that nothing—not even the casting of lots—happens by chance (Prov. 16:33). Hollman Bible Dictionary.
We know that has given god things in this creation to enjoy; yet there is suffering His people will experience, but that too is part of His grace. Without suffering how else would or understand we know His comfort? His power to strengthen us? His joy in its midst? Suffering can also come from His judgment on sin in our lives and in the lives of others. But even in this He is gracious to forgive (I John 1:9). However, it appears that although God's providence allows the unsaved and saved alike to enjoy the sustenance of His creation too often it is or can be taken for granted or ignored as His goodness by arrogant, and ignorant hearts.
Without His providence, how else would I have been saved? How could I face trough times, days and situations? Where would my joy, my peace, and my hope come from?
To ignore our God and His providence means is that as much as we try humanly speaking to control and live my life for self there comes a time and a day when self-sufficiency and our attempt for self-sustaining comes to an end. For the Psalmist says "The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it and on it, my addition. Whether we like it or not; this world and its inhabitants requires God's will and action in order to continue. (Ps. 104:29; Col. 1:17; Heb. 1:3).
So, what does this mean for me today and all the days I may have left? My Lord knows my heart, and mind. He knows what I need and when I need it whether that is grace, love, comfort,, correction or another believer to come alongside me and love me and pray with me. This is the gift of Christ to the Body, the church. Only He can be trusted! Because He is who the scriptures say He is, His providence extends to us all. May we be grateful, and thankful that we are engraved in the Palm of His Hand, never to be forgotten-set aside-or left behind. History has proven His provision for his own. He is His time, is bringing to completion His purpose for mankind and all of creation.
May I yield to His gracious divine providence and the life He has allowed me to live bring Him much glory and honor. For I was chosen, called, saved, gifted to serve and bear good fruit emanating His fragrance to the living, and to the dying; to declare the Good News to all who cross my path in this journey called life; to bask in His grace and mercy for others to see so that they will desire Him more than life. My hope and prayer is that I will hear well done good and faithful servant for that is my goal in life. What's yours? How do you see God's providence in your life? Do you believe its just fate? If so, please don't be deceived or believe in the lie that God does not exist or if He does, does not love you. Both are lies from the pit of Hell to keep you from experieceing what I and millions of others have, forgiveness of sins, freedom, hope, love, and great joy knowing who I am and who I serve; the Living God.
Also, for our country and world? For those of us who study the Bible we know Judgement is coming. Unlike some pretty arrogant and deceived men we have NOT been told the exact date or time, but we have been told to watch the signs, be ready with great anticipation to see our Lord and King. All, one day will bow our need to Him, either bow out of love and appreciation or bow because He is King, but you don;'e know Him. Ponder these thoughts.
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