I have not posted anything for a while. Partly grieving, partly busy, but mostly taking time to mull around or better yet bath in some thoughts that the Lord laid upon me to ponder upon. Those thoughts were spurned on by those other saints the Lord has brought my way. One a family member, others were mentees, and yet others were words from friends.
Do you ever find yourself pondering on themes, words or a specific scripture that touched and/or impacted your very soul? The theme that came forth is "are you really saved and if so, why do you not trust your Lord?"
My three mentee's struggle with their salvation, trusting God, and exchanging wrong or erroneous theology resulting in error from what they previously learned. False teaching is not new. Take a look at the Prison Epistles. It is full of believers listening to man's opinion versus scripture or to put it another way, another gospel. One mentee came out of a cult who denies the Deity of Christ among other error. Another from a religion that worships the head of their religion over Christ and has added many books not in the Cannon of Scripture. Another came out of a very liberal denomination. The theme that fits them all is all; false teaching. Paul, the apostle, warns us about this in Galatians, II Corinthians.among other scripture.
In biblical disciplining or mentoring the Scriptures are the foundations for the "Truth will set you free." But, what causes one not to believe the Word of God? Women it often appears would rather believe and trust their feelings. Some believers project onto our Holy Lord what they have heard, believed, trusted and experienced in their past. The product or legacy of this form of teaching is the doubting of His Word and its power. Doubting His love, and not trusting Him; yet banking on Heaven when they die. Is this reasoning way men, like their father or husband treated them or their lack of biblical training, is it just plan rebellion by wanting to stay in control, is it that Christ is only their Savior and not their Lord,? Maybe it is in part of all of these or a combination of them. Discipleship based on the Bible with bring the disciplee, if willing, to a deeper relationship with Christ through learning scripture and growing in application of the Word. Ultimately, bringing about a transformation of both heart and mind culminating in a mature believer. (Jeremiah 31:3; Rom. 12:1-2; II Corinthians 5:17; Hebrews 2:13; ).
All of these gals doubts, erroneous beliefs, lack of trust, unwillingness to give up control can and will change when they die to self, and reprogram their minds which will ultimately transform their emotions and behavior. because now it is yielding or bending to His Will not our own. This, then will lead to making Jesus Christ their Master or Lord. Then, they, can and will experience a life of fruit and beauty because it is stayed on Him, the Author of their faith, But, it begins in the mind and then traveling to the heart and then lived out in their life.
But what "Defining Moment" can bring this transformation? First is Salvation and then allowing the Scriptures to take root like a seed in your heart and mind. "Defining Moments" are those times when the Word resonates within your soul and mind. Now, the Spirit will go to work. He prepares us, for the future which may be a move, maybe a new ministry or maybe opening your heart-home-life to another in need. You could, as I have seen these times as an Ebenezer Stone. It means "God is my Help or So far He has brought me. I was introduce to this passage in I Samuel 7:12 early in my Christian life. Then it was suggested to keep a journal of those "Defining Moments" where I experienced the Ebenezer Stone was in action. Unfortunately, I am not a journaler, regardless of how wonderful this practice may be. Now, this blog has helped me in this area.
If you look at the saints of old, you can see their "Defining Moments," for Abram it was a burning bush, for Rehab it was Israelite spies, for Paul it was the road to Damascus, for Esther it was to going into the king seeking help for her people. Christ's was the garden and the cross. All of these moments changed the course of their walk and life. They left an example for us to follow, but first we need to be to see, listen and act on those opportunities the Lord has designed for our lives.
Just a note to say that some of those erroneous belief's of my mentees are called "Strongholds." Well, what about "Strongholds?" I hate to admit this, but this is still a word in processing bank. How many types of "Strongholds" are there? Strongholds are anything that holds us prisoner whether in our mind, emotions and cause which came from false teaching, or the enemy. To overcome is to recognize what and where they came from and replace it with scripture. Scripture tells us that we can pull down these areas"Strongholds." Scripture as I understand it gives us directions in both areas that keeps us from living a victorious life growing our faith deeper and deeper. Well, if we look at Jesus when he was being tempted; there was three thrown at Him. I have come to believe that ALL "Strongholds" come from these three thing, Pride of Life, Lust of the eyes. and the Lust of the flesh. Let me break each down for easier understanding: Pride: arrogance, unable to admit responsibility. Lust of eyes: wanting what you want, greediness, power and/or money. Fleshly lust, could refer to sex, drink, and drugs. Most of all remember, who is to be our Stronghold, Jesus Christ. Run into Him our refuge and stronghold.
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