Friday, December 14, 2012

Listening and Waiting

This last week a friend and colleague went home to be worth the Lord.  He diligently taught the Bibles, theology and the Apostle Paul's Prayers of which I was his student.  Oh, he taught many more classes, but these are the ones I had the honor of being a participant.  He struggled with cancer for many years until our Lord said, it is time to come home. 

It appears that most of us are waiting and listening for that call, "My beloved child, come home."   Charles Stanley wrote a book many years ago about "Listening to God."   In reading a devotional this morning, I was reminded of his book and how vital this practice is in the life and walk of a believer.

But, in this crazy world of business, I fear His voice gets drowned out by stuff that fills our hours and days.  Since, God does not change as scripture declares, He is still speaking to us.  The challenge is, are we listening? 

Think of times in scripture He spoke; Moses-Jacob-Samuel-Noah-Abraham-Disciples, and Paul to mention a few.  How many times has He spoken and I was not listening?  What would have been different in my walk and life had I paid attention, and lost opportunities to touch other with the gospel, His love, His Word?  I shudder to think, and really will only know when I go home to be with Him.

Business, self-absorption, earthly minded, consumed with problems all keep our minds away from what we have been told to do.  Things like, thinking heavenly thoughts, live a godly and holy life versus a life of where one is the center of their being not the Lord.  This may not be a daily practice nor a cognitive one, but it causes our thoughts to veer from living out who we are (Christians), and Whom we belong to; the Lord Jesus Christ.   I am too often guilty. 

How can I change?  Can that change be permanent?  My answers may be odd, but I believe this is one reason we have trails and testings.  These are the times our minds turn heavenward to the Lord, the solution to all my business, problems, self-absorption, etc...etc....  Praise God for these times that bring us to our knees and force us to go to the only One who can resolve, fix, or alleviate all we go through.  Most of the solutions are not quick fixes, and I than God for that as well.  If they were fixed immediately, what would I learn?  How much would I grow?  Would I give Him the glory and honor He so richly deserves, or brush it off as just one of those temporary happenings.

Oh, what a miserable believer I am.  I feel like Paul, the chief of sinners.  It is hard not to hate oneself due to my weakness, complaining and murmuring. Sounds like the Israelites walking in the wilderness.  Not that these happen, thank God, on a continuous basis, but happen too often.  Scripture tells me I am to consider my flesh "dead!"   Unfortunately, I do not always catch myself fast enough, so sick of heart, I repent and  confess.  Oh, who will rescue me from this mortal body?  My Lord through death!  Until then, I will persevere to live my days out trying to be more sensitive to my sweet Lord's voice, obey His voice and Word, and willingly go where He asks.   However, I can only do this as I read His Word, rely on His Spirit to teach and strengthen me.  At least for this moment, I can say with Paul the Apostle, rejoice and give thanks in ALL things, and consistently renew my mind so my thoughts are from Him.

Doc Miller left a sweet and wonderful legacy, my former pastor and his lovely wife as well, may I follow in their pathway so that He will be glorified and honored.   We never know what we leave behind in any endeavor we find or found ourselves doing, but if one life is touched for Him, than the struggles, hardships, and disappointments are worth the cost.  For my standard of the cost for being a Christian is Christ Himself.  He suffered humiliation, torture, rejection, betrayal, and died a horrible death, so that I and others could live.  May my life shine Him and His glory, for I have none of my own.

"For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."  This verse has become clearer and clearer, truer and truer as I wait and hopefully listen for my Lord's voice. Blessings dear and sweet friends.  Help me to stay faithful, and true to my Lord and His calling on my life.

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